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Trade Facilitation Unit - Tree Nuts and Nut Products

Tree Nuts – a collective term used to describe nuts that grow on trees; it is a dry, indehiscent oneseeded nut with a hard pericarp which does not open spontaneously to release the seed; it includes nuts such as: almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts;

Nut Products – includes shelled nuts, whole or split, and further processed products, including roasted nuts, meal/flour, paste, oil, etc.

Import Conditions:

  1. The processing facility must have a HACCP program in place verified by the competent authority;
  2. Good Manufacturing Practices are used in their preparation and handling with reference to the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969);
  3. The facility must be registered under the competent authority in the country where the nuts and nut products are processed and packaged;

Labeling Requirements:

  1. The nuts and nut products meet all labelling and other food safety requirements of the Food Safety and Quality Food Regulations;
  2. Nuts and nut products meet the labelling requirements in the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985) and the CARICOM Regional Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods.

Supporting Documents:

  1. Present an export license to Customs from the country of export prior to placement of an order;
  2. A certificate of origin must be produced;
  3. Present a phytosanitary certificate signed by the competent authority to indicate that the nuts were sourced from trees that are free from any pests and diseases;
  4. An attestation that “the nuts and nut products are free from contamination or any other objectionable matter and are safe for human consumption”;
  5. Documentation indicating that the tree nuts were fumigated prior to export to control any storage pests that may be present and to prevent infestation during shipment;
  6. Documentation indicating that the exporter is approved (registered) for international trade to The Bahamas by that country’s competent authority.

Shipping Requirements:

  1. The nuts and nut products shall be packaged in such a way to prevent water penetration;
  2. Transport containers should be clean, dry, and free of visible fungal growth, insects and any contaminated material;

Quality Standards:

  1. Nuts and nut products shall comply with maximum residue levels for heavy metals and pesticides as established by Codex Alimentarius;
  2. Nuts and nut products should be free from objectionable matter;