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Trade Facilitation Unit - Guidelines for the Importation of Fertilizers, Growing Media and Bioremediation Products of Plant Origin

These guidelines apply to the following fertilizers, growing media and bioremediation products being imported into the Bahamas from all countries, unless specific country restrictions apply.

  1. processed fertilizers, growing media and bioremediation products that have been produced:
    1. by the decomposition of fresh or dry plant material;
    2. by processing dried plant material;
    3. from by-products of processed plant products, including but not limited to: oil seed meals, cotton delinting by-product, husks and ground nut shells.
  2. coco peat products, including but not limited to:
    1. coco peat products in various grades and finished products for horticultural/agricultural use such as grow slabs, grow bags, bales, blocks, discs, pots, starter cubes and small blocks;
    2. chips derived from the whole chopped and crushed husk pieces;
    3. compressed or non-compressed product.

General Requirements

Fertilizers, growing media and bioremediation products of plant origin may be imported into the Bahamas under the following conditions:

  1. An import permit from the Department of Agriculture must be obtained that specifies the Bahamas' import requirements.
  2. A phytosanitary certificate issued by the National Plant Protection Organization of the exporting country in accordance with ISPM 12. The phytosanitary certificate must include the following where applicable:
    1. Sufficient detail to enable identification of the consignment and its component parts. Information must include country/place of origin;
    2. Full details of any treatments applied to fertilizers and growing media of plant origin; and
    3. A certifying statement, or a variation that is compliant with ISPM 12.
  3. A treatment certificate is required for fertilizers, growing media and bioremediation products containing viable seed and coconut (coco/coir peat/fibers) products unless details of the treatment have been specified on the phytosanitary certificate. Treatment certificates must include the following where applicable:
    1. Authorized person’s name and date of issue;
    2. Product identity (description or brand name); and
    3. Date and full details of the treatment.
  4. Manufactured fertilizers, growing media and bioremediation products in the form of granular, fibrous, powder or liquid derived from plant material, or containing microorganisms requires a manufacturer’s certificate. All manufacturer’s certificates must include the following where applicable:
    1. Authorized person’s name and date of issue;
    2. Name and address of the supplier (if different to the manufacturer);
    3. Product identity (description or brand name);
    4. Details of the processing; and
    5. Date of manufacture.
  5. The commodity meets the following packaging and shipping requirements:
    1. A typed list/invoice should accompany each consignment with the name of the collector/shipper. If different products within a consignment originate in different countries or places, or if products are mixed, blended or bulked, all countries or places should be indicated;
    2. Clearly labelled with the brand name, full description of contents of each package (product type and intended use), or have this information stated on the invoice or accompanying manufacturer’s certificate written in English. Foreign language names and regional names are not acceptable.
    3. Shipped in a manner to prevent contamination by regulated pests; and
    4. Commercially packaged in:
      1. a clean bag made of either polypropylene or double-walled strong paper secured by stitching, stapling or sealing; or
      2. a strong, clean plastic sealed package. Packaging material must be new, sterile and sturdy and must be of a visually clear construction to allow inspection of consignment.
  6. All fertilizers, growing media and bioremediation products must: free from regulated pests and contaminants such as seeds, soil, animal or plant material.
  7. Upon arrival to the Bahamas, shipments will be inspected to ensure they meet import requirements. If the consignment does not meet the conditions above, then the shipment will be refused entry.

Any fertilizers, growing media and bioremediation products of plant origin imported through the mail or by couriers or freight forwarders, shall be subject to these regulations; be clearly labelled in English as to its contents and have the required documentation securely sealed to the outside of the package.

The same guidelines also apply to the travelling public, as passengers transiting the airport must abide by the rules and regulations of meeting the documentary requirements - Import Permit and Phytosanitary Certificate (Treatment Certificate and Manufacturer’s Certificate where applicable) to ensure compliance.

Treatment Requirements

  1. Treatment for seed devitalisation is required for products that contain or are suspected to contain viable seed. One of the following treatments must be carried out:
    1. heat treatment by raising the core temperature of the product to a minimum of 85°C for at least 15 hours at approximately 40% relative humidity; or
    2. autoclaving at 120°C core temperature for 30 minutes at 100kPa.
  2. One of the following treatments must be carried out for coco peat products, prior to export:
    1. heat treatment by raising the core temperature of the peat to a minimum of 85˚C for at least 15 hours at approximately 40% relative humidity; or
    2. autoclaving at 120˚C core temperature for 30 minutes at 100kPa.
    3. ethylene oxide, under an initial minimum vacuum of 50kPa at 1500g/m3 for 4 hours at 50˚C. Treatment must occur no more than 21 days prior to export; or
    4. ethylene oxide, under an initial minimum vacuum of 50kPa at 1500g/m3 for 24 hours at 21˚C. Treatment must occur no more than 21 days prior to export.