To be the effective authority in animal health, plant health, and food safety and quality; respected for our commitment to standards of excellence, professionalism, and international best practices.
Committed to the protection of foods, plants, and animals against threats to food safety and quality, public health, environmental health, and economic sustainability.
Corporate Identity
The Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority logo comprises minimalistic plant, animal, and food symbols that are captured together within a shield. This design communicates the One Health Principle of harmonizing animal health, plant health, and food safety. The use of a shield represents the dedication to the defence of the agricultural health and food safety system against threats to animal health, plant health, and food safety.
What We Do
The Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA) serves as the regulatory body to providing for a more efficient, effective, transparent and coordinated administration of matters dealing with food safety, animal and plant health. Established in 2016, it is responsible for providing a framework to ensure that there is harmonization among public sector agencies in order to attain the highest levels of food safety and protection of animal and plant health. The Authority takes the lead in coordinating and harmonizing:
- Food safety activities at all stages of the production, manufacture, and distribution of food;
- Animal Health; and
- Plant Protection
The Authority is responsible for overseeing the administration and enforcement of the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2016, the Animal Health and Production Act, 2016; and the Plant Protection Act, 2016. It’s guiding principles in achieving this are the principles contained in the SPS Agreement, namely—
(a) necessity;
(b) harmonization with international standards;
(c) risk assessment and science-based actions;
(d) transparency;
(e) equivalence; and
(f) proportionality
The functions of the Authority include:
- Monitoring the performance of enforcement agencies in administering the legislation for which they are responsible;
- Formulating strategies and policies on food safety and quality, including procedures for emergency response, and to monitor their implementation;
- Protecting human or animal life or health from food-borne risks arising from additives, contaminants, toxins or disease-causing organisms in foods, beverages or feedstuffs;
- Protecting animal and plant life or health from the entry, establishment or spread of pests, disease-carrying or disease-causing organisms;
- Protecting human life and health from diseases carried by animals, plants or products thereof;
- Ensuring that there is wide consultation with all sectors of the food industry, animal health and plant health in carrying out its activities under The Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority Act;
- Providing advice, information or assistance to any relevant body in relation to food safety and quality and food trade;
- Obtaining, compiling, and keeping under review information concerning, food safety and other sanitary and phytosanitary matters;
- Coordinating training programs for food safety, animal health, and plant health; and
- Carrying out any other matters in connection with or reasonably incidental to the foregoing.
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