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Trade Facilitation Unit - Milk and Milk Products
Milk – milk(raw) which has not been heated beyond 40ºC(104oF) or undergone any treatment that has an equivalent effect.
Milk Products - a product obtained by any processing of milk, which may contain food additives, and other ingredients functionally necessary for the processing.
Import Conditions:
- The processing facility must have a HACCP program in place verified by the competent authority;
- The facility must be registered under the competent authority in the country where the milk is produced and processed.
Labeling Requirements:
- The milk and milk products meets all labelling and other food safety requirements of the Food Safety and Quality Food Regulations;
- Milk and milk products meets the labelling requirements in the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985) and the CARICOM Regional Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods and the General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms (CODEX STAN 206-1999).
Supporting Documents:
- Present an export license to Customs from the country of export prior to placement of an order;
- A certificate of origin must be produced;
- All imported milk and milk products must have a sanitary/health certificate and be signed by a Veterinarian that indicates that the milk production and processing sites were inspected;
- Documentation that indicates the milk was retrieved from a zone free from foot and mouth disease (FMD);
- An attestation that “the milk and milk products are free from contamination and are safe for human consumption”;
- Documentation indicating that the exporter is approved (registered) for international trade to The Bahamas by that country’s competent authority.
Shipping Requirements:
- The milk and milk products are refrigerated during storage and transported/shipped in a timely manner to minimize any detrimental effect on the safety and suitability of milk;
- Only single use containers are used to package the milk and milk products.
- Proper handling and storage of milk and milk products should be done during transport to avoid contamination and minimize any increase in the microbiological load of the milk and milk products;
Quality Standards:
- The milk and milk products have been pasteurized to kill pathogens at a minimum of 72ºC for 15 seconds (continuous flow pasteurization) or 63ºC for 30 minutes (batch pasteurization);
- Milk and milk products shall comply with maximum residue levels for heavy metals, pesticides and veterinary drugs as established by Codex Alimentarius;