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Trade Facilitation Unit - Fish and Fish Products

Fish – Any of the cold-blooded (ectothermic) aquatic vertebrates. Amphibians and aquatic reptiles are not included;

Fish Products – fish including other aquatic biota that is handled and/or processed and/or made into a final product in the form of fresh fish, frozen fish, and other processed goods for human consumption.

Import Conditions:

  1. The processing facility must have a HACCP program in place verified by the competent authority;
  2. The facility must be registered under the competent authority in the country where the fish and fish products were produced;

Labeling Requirements:

  1. The fish and fish products shall meet all labelling and other food safety requirements of the Food Safety and Quality Food Regulations,
  2. Fish and fish products shall comply with the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985), the CARICOM Regional Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods and the Code of Practice for Fish and Fish Products.

Supporting Documents:

  1. Present an export license to Customs from the country of export prior to placement of an order;
  2. A certificate of origin must be produced;
  3. All imported fish and fish products must produce a sanitary/health certificate, signed by a Veterinarian or competent authority that indicates that the processing plant has been inspected;
  4. A declaration that “the fish and fish products are free from contamination and safe for human consumption”;
  5. Documentation indicating that the exporter is approved (registered) for international trade to The Bahamas by that country’s competent authority.

Shipping Requirements:

  1. Transport vehicles or vessels should be adequately equipped to keep fish cold (0oC) or frozen (- 18oC or below) by mechanical refrigeration or by completely surrounding the fish with ice or other cooling media;
  2. Fish and fish products shall be transported/shipped in a timely manner to minimize any detrimental effect on the safety and suitability of the fish and fish products;
  3. Fish and fish products shall be provided with adequate protection against contamination from dust, exposure to higher temperatures and the drying effects of the sun or wind so as to minimize any increase in the microbiological load of the products.

Quality Standards:

  1. The fish and fish products shall comply with maximum residue levels for heavy metals, pesticides and veterinary drugs as established by Codex Alimentarius;
  2. Fish and fish products shall comply with the Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (CXC 52-2003)