Trade Facilitation Unit - Conditions for importation of Bird Feed
The Bahamas currently has conditions to allow the importation of bird feed from various countries. Having conducted an import risk analysis (IRA) that considers quarantine risks that may be associated with the importation to The Bahamas of bird feed from any country, the IRA recommends that the importation of bird feed to The Bahamas could be permitted subject to compliance with Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures to manage the quarantine risks of a range of significant diseases to a very low level, in line with WOAH guidelines. The IRA assessed all potential disease agents that may be introduced to The Bahamas via the importation of bird feed and SPS measures. These diseases include Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV), Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV), Karnal Bunt, infectious bursal disease, High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI,) and Newcastle disease.
Based on this risk assessment The Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA) has developed conditions of import for bird feed consignments. They are outlined below. All consignments of bird feed must:
- Meet the labelling requirements prescribed in Section 23 of the Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA), Food Safety and Quality Act (2016) in Appendix 1
- Meet the import conditions for bird feed in Appendix 2
Labelling and advertising
- No person shall offer for sale in The Bahamas any package of food unless the label thereon—
- is written in English;
- specifies the product name;
- specifies the date of manufacture and expiration;
- permits the traceability of the food as prescribed in regulations; and
- sets out such particulars as may be prescribed in regulations.
- Where food that is not packaged is displayed for sale, it shall bear an identification mark.
- The Director shall prescribe requirements for food advertising in accordance with applicable legislation.
- Any foods not in compliance with the requirements under this section shall be confiscated by the Director.
- Any person selling food in contravention of this section commits an offence and shall be liable to a fixed penalty as prescribed by regulations.
Conditions for importation of Bird feeds
A. If a country, zone, or compartment wishes to export:
- Bird feed,
- an international veterinary certificate is required and must attest that the bird feed:
- only contains ingredients derived from
- plants and/or
- approved animal-origin ingredients such as:
- milk products
- egg
- animal fats
- vitamin D3
- gelatin
- honey
- crustaceans
- insects
- tallow of bovine origin that contains less than or equal to .15% insoluble impurities
- approved animal-origin ingredients that either:
- originate from countries recognized by WOAH to be free of diseases of concern to which the species from which the animal product or by-product was derived is susceptible and that can be transmitted by the untreated product or by-product and none of the animals from which the animal-origin raw materials are derived were under movement restrictions for or were culled or eradicated as part of a disease response to any reportable disease as defined by WOAH or
- Have been subjected to heat treatment to a minimum core temperature of 90°C.
- was manufactured by a high-temperature sterilization canning procedure, if canned
- was processed in a way that prevents cross-contamination of the finished products with any animal origin product or by-product derived from animals of a lesser zoosanitary status.
- was manufactured in an establishment regulated by the competent authority of the country of export.
- is packaged in new packaging intended for bird food.
- has been processed to ensure the inactivation of any bacteria and viruses of concern mentioned in this document.
- is free of live insects, soil, disease symptoms, contaminant seed, other plant material (leaf, stem material, fruit pulp, pod material, etc.), animal material (animal feces, feathers, etc.) and any other extraneous contamination of biosecurity concern.
- was produced using effective measures to prevent contamination by pathogens throughout the manufacturing and packing process.
- is being imported for the purpose of bird feed only
- only contains ingredients derived from
- an international phytosanitary certificate is required
- an international veterinary certificate is required and must attest that the bird feed: