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Trade Facilitation Unit - Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast Cereal - a traditional breakfast made from processed cereal grains typically eaten in Western societies with milk.

Import Conditions:

  1. The processing facility must have a HACCP program in place verified by the competent authority;
  2. The facility must be registered under the competent authority in the country where the breakfast cereal was produced;

Labeling Requirements:

  1. Breakfast cereals shall comply with all labelling and other food safety requirements of the Food Safety and Quality Food Regulations;
  2. Breakfast cereals shall meet the labelling requirements in the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985) and the CARICOM Regional Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods.

Supporting Documents:

  1. Present an export license to Customs from the country of export prior to placement of an order;
  2. A certificate of origin must be produced;
  3. All imported breakfast cereals must produce a phytosanitary certificate, signed by the competent authority to indicate that the processing facility has been inspected;
  4. A declaration that “the breakfast cereal is free from contamination and is safe for human consumption”;
  5. Documentation indicating that the exporter is approved (registered) for international trade to The Bahamas by that country’s competent authority.

Shipping Requirements:

  1. Breakfast cereals shall be packaged in such a manner as to avoid penetration by water;
  2. Breakfast cereals shall be shipped at refrigeration temperature to maintain product freshness and suitability.

Quality Standards:

  1. Breakfast cereals shall comply with maximum residue levels for heavy metals, pesticides and veterinary drugs as established by Codex Alimentarius;
  2. Breakfast cereals shall comply with the Code of Practice for the Prevention of Mycotoxin Contamination in Cereal (CXC 51-2003);
  3. Breakfast cereals shall be clean, safe and fit for human consumption;
  4. Breakfast cereals shall comply with the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969).